Crisis Q Horizon + Global Gateway STUDIO

We bring added resources, preparedness, expertise and creativity to support and strengthen an organization's reputation and deepen its connection with audiences.

Crisis Q Horizon

Crisis Q Horizon is our suite of services and tools that helps organizations of all sizes mitigate and manage reputational risk.

In today’s 24/7 communications environment, organizations are more vulnerable than ever to a crisis arising and causing reputational harm. Most are not as prepared as they could be.

We believe prevention is better than cure. We develop a customized approach that aligns with an organization’s specific crisis communications needs.

The book cover for The Crisis Preparedness Quotient.

Retainer Services

We start with a 90-day deep-dive planning and discovery period to get to know the business and identify potential crisis vulnerabilities. Then we are on call to provide counsel and guidance, and scale up to help lead if a crisis emerges.

Immediate Response

When a crisis hits, every second counts. We mobilize organizations so that communications both leads and as well as drives the response. We strategize, scenario plan, craft messages, manage media, monitor dialogue and methodically look around corners so our clients recover as quickly as possible from difficult situations.

Vulnerability Assessment

In order to stop crises before they happen, an organization must anticipate what potential or possible crises they may face in the future. We use the Crisis Preparedness Quotient diagnostic tool to analyze an organization’s risk of crisis and identify strengths and weaknesses in key areas including reputation, culture, allies, voice, digital diligence, leadership trust and planning and practice. By proactively identifying potential problem areas, we can tackle them now and minimize risk in the future.

Training + Assessment Workshops

Who leads crisis management in the organization? Are they ready for primetime? Our workshops, training courses and seminars are practical and valuable for communications professionals, full corporate teams or even individuals. Whether we refresh existing knowledge or start from scratch, we work with our clients to develop the right training session.

We believe creativity elevates ideas.

Logo for Global Gateway Studio.

Global Gateway STUDIO is an extension of our core services to broaden and deepen the level of audience experience, dialogue and connectivity.

The wealth of information at our fingertips leads to a scarcity of something else: attention. We bring creativity to strategic communications so that our clients can capture the attention of their audiences to generate awareness, understanding, buy-in and advocacy.

Concept Design

Design impacts the perception of an entire brand and audience experience—and good design delivers deeper meaning. We work closely with our clients to understand their audiences and stakeholders in order to design concepts and content that makes an impact.

> Design concepts> Content strategies + plans

Events + Convenings

We design convenings, large and small group conferences and salons that can bring audiences and influencers together for relationship building and understanding.

> International business events + conferences> Roundtables> Town Halls + Virtual Town Halls> Salon Dinners> Influencer + Ambassador Breakfasts

Content Production

We design and develop print and online content.

> Books> Magazines + journals> Advertorials> Brochures> Websites> Email newsletters

Digital + Social Media

We design and produce high quality, engaging digital and social media programs and content for use across channels. We also offer Digital Ambassador Training to help people learn to connect with audiences online.

> Editorial> Graphics + infographics> Video> Email newsletters

Podcast Design

We design and produce podcasts and podcast series.

> Thought leadership> Social impact + issues> Employee podcasts

Video + Visual Storytelling

We design and produce videos for use across channels, at live events, for television, social media, internal and external websites.

> Documentary storytelling> Events> Explainer videos> Highlight reels> Social media campaigns


We design and guide in-person and virtual team workshops that enable organizations and thought leaders to learn, educate, advocate and design through experience + creative and critical thinking.

> Concept design> Media training> Digital Ambassador training> Brainstorming + ideation> Strategic communications planning> Message frames> Bespoke workshops

Logo for Global Gateway Studio.

Get in touch

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